Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Cats In My Life

FOOSKAS. This male cat in his previous life should have been a "politician" !.Firstly he is fat. Seven and a half (7,5) kilos is not the weihgt for a normal cat and secondly he is an always talking cat. He is always talking. For everything ,for anything. He is looking you in the eyes(politician) and he talks,miaou,miaou,for nothing,all day through !
BALOO.The female cat with higher IQ from many of today "politicians"! She has place in order with her life in a very special way.
She gives everything easily exept love.... There you have to be very very obediant!!
"God created the cat in order to enable man to caress the lion"
Why lion? Because is the most proud, clever and powerfull mammal! The king, the No 1 !
Watching carefully peoples` behavior according to their pet preference I has put them in two different categories:
People who have the dog as their favor pet. Faithness, loyalty and unwillingnes is their basic principles as well as their major strategic point of life, fact which eliminates in a grate degree their view further up, where any different reaction, contadiction and alternative opinion is almost never acceptable.
Generally they are easy going people and sceptikism is too far away from their thougths.
People to anticipate to go home in order to caress their cat. This category may not be the major one ,but is, in my opinion, the most significant.
Their belief of life is based on the fact that every one has to know who he really is and his social behavior should be exclusively according to this knowledge.That makes them having always the agony of life and lifes` quality. Exactly this knowledge makes them productive and anxious for their future.
Generaly they are hard going people since the way-on is based on deep knowledge and strong emotions.
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